Sunday, November 2, 2014


The Canon 5DMark2 is one of most valuable DSLR, which can also shoot excellent videos.
The 5DMark2 used to be the best Canon SDLR. Then the 5DMark3 came out and update some features in taking pictures. The good thing is the ability of taking pictures doesn't change at all. So we can still get a good video camera in a lower price. 

The 5DMark2 goes with full HD video in both 1080P and 720P format. The 1080P can reach up to 30 frames per seconds and the 720P can reach up to 60 frames per seconds. It can almost fit all you daily need unless you want to make some super slow motion videos. There are also a lot of shots in Hollywood movies, Which is shot by Canon 5DMark2

The market price of 5DMark2 is around $2,500. Lens is not included.

There is one more thing have to be mentioned is you can change the lens of the camera, and it can be set manually.

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